Once upon a time cars were simple: If the transmission didn’t shift right, you probably had a transmission problem. You took your car to the transmission shop and they fixed it. Simple, right? As with most stories that begin this way, times have changed. Today, when your car’s transmission isn’t shifting right, well, it could […]
1. Clean the inside and outside of your car every month. Seriously. Why It’s Important: Keeping your car clean is like keeping your room clean, except everyone can see your car and gauge how dirty (or clean) you are. The Cost Of Not Doing It: An unclean car will eventually attract dirt and grime that can damage your […]
All good things come to an end. This past Saturday was our last Auto Talk Radio show on Wood Radio. Along with our partners on the show, we’ve had a great time answering your auto questions every Saturday am. If you were a faithful listener, we’ll give you a few audio links to enjoy. If you […]