Once upon a time cars were simple: If the transmission didn’t shift right, you probably had a transmission problem. You took your car to the transmission shop and they fixed it. Simple, right? As with most stories that begin this way, times have changed. Today, when your car’s transmission isn’t shifting right, well, it could […]
Worried that your car might be having transmission issues? Recognizing the signs of transmission problems early can save you costly repairs and ensure your vehicle’s safety. In this article, we’ll go over the top warning signs you should look out for to keep your transmission in good shape.
Customers with complaints of not shifting, wrong gear starts, late or early shifts are considered to have shift timings issues. For an automatic transmission to shift, there are two things that need to be known: 1) How fast the vehicle is moving. 2) How hard the operator is depressing the accelerator. Sorting out the source […]